The Girl

I should really have titled this story, “The First Spirit That Showed Me The Way.” This young spirit made it clear to me that I could hear her, see her, and feel her emotions. It wasn’t an easy lesson and it took time. Through her patience and persistence, I not only figured out that I could talk to spirits, but that I wasn’t losing my mind. I already knew I could sense spirits, but being able to fully communicate with them changed my life. She changed the way I felt about the spirit world and the unknown.

During or at the end of this story, some of you may have heard of the events that this post is about. I am not going to give dates, names, or exact references out of respect for the family and friends of my spirit girl. I will give her a made up name, because she does deserve more than being called, “The Girl.” I am going to call her Jess, in honor of a dear friend of mine that passed away tragically. So here it goes, this is a long and complex story that really got me started on my journey of helping people communicate with their loved ones and opening up my mind to listen to spirits that need a voice to communicate for them.

A girlfriend of mine texted me and asked if I could do a temp job answering phones for a large company in Foothill Ranch for a couple weeks. Since I worked out of my home at the time, and it was my slow time of year, I said yes. I had not done a temp job for her company before, so I figured if she was calling me, she was desperate, and it sounded fun. Something different. Meet new people. How hard could it be?

The office building was right off of the 241 Toll Road. I had driven past it hundreds of times. It was a beautiful office and everyone was very friendly. I had minimal duties, and mastered the phone system. Ok, I lied … the phone system sucked and no one ever took any of their calls. A large building full of people who, “Were not available,” or “In a Meeting.” Geez!! So, I just lied to everyone all day on the phones and got paid very well to do so. It was temporary … what did I care?

Since I had not worked an 8 hour day in a while, I would come home and pass out. All that lying to people was exhausting. Then the second week came, which was my last five days, and something changed. The energy in the main lobby where I was working felt heavier. I also kept feeling like I was being watched or like someone was standing behind me. I was definitely getting more uncomfortable and I couldn’t wait for the day to end. By the end of the week, I just wanted it to be over.

Pretty much after working that job, the energy in my master bedroom changed. I would wake up in the middle of the night and the energy in my bedroom felt chaotic. Like there were fast swirls of energy going back and forth in the room. Then it would stop. The next night, the energy almost sounded like it was whispering to me. I yelled for the energy to stop and it would. I would wake up frazzled and cranky. I would be in a fog all day. Very distracted and I could tell I was having crazy emotions that were not normal for me.

For me, I like to relieve stress or meditate by speed walking. I don’t listen to music, and I love to walk alone. Me and my thoughts. I had to push myself to get my walk in because of how tired and distracted I felt. For some reason that day, I decided to change my route. It was a longer route, and to an area I didn’t usually walk through. The change of route and the being tormented at night went on for weeks. Then finally, Jess showed herself to me.

I woke up in the middle of the night to cabinets slamming and banging on the walls. I could feel that chaotic energy swirling all over the room. This time it woke my husband up and the moment he sat up, it stopped. He got up and looked around and there was nothing there. I still was sitting up, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of the far left corner of my room. I could see what looked like a young girl with brown hair and a cream colored dress on. My husband and I both laid back down to try and go back to sleep. My husband is that lucky person who when their head hits the pillow, they go right to sleep. Not me. I laid there still going over in my mind what I thought I saw, then I felt someone standing next to the bed and I could hear what sounded like breathing. I opened my eyes and there was the young girl from the corner, standing over me. I screamed so loud and jumped on top of my husband, still screaming. I just kept pointing and screaming, but she was gone. My poor hubby, I scared the crap out of him, and he thought I had completely lost my mind.

After several nights of this, I went and talked to someone that was referred to me by a friend, that could possibly give me some advice on how to deal with this spirit. This woman’s first suggestion was to cleanse the house. I was uncomfortable with that because I really felt like this young girl really needed my help. Then she suggested to just talk to the spirit. So that is what I did.

That night, I locked myself in my bedroom, turned off all the lights, sat on the ground, closed my eyes, and spoke to her. I sat there patiently and waited. I could feel the electric chill go up the right side of my body, then I could see her, she was whispering something. I kept telling her that I couldn’t understand her, and she became more and more frantic. Her energy started swirling and I could feel she was becoming more and more agitated. I could feel her frantic energy and she was making me nauseous. I had to yell at her to stop. I told her since I couldn’t understand what she was saying, she had to find other ways to show me.

That is when she would appear more often and I could feel her with me all the time. When she would come to me at night, she would be standing at the foot of my bed, pointing towards the left side of the room. That is where the front of my house was. She would give me other signs, but they did not make sense to me until I found out who she was.

I hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in months at this point. The Girl, Jess, was taking a toll on me. I felt run down and distracted all the time. At this point, I had had enough. I had not learned how to be in control, and her feelings were taking over mine. Almost like I was being possessed. So, I called a friend of mine to come and help me cleanse the house. I couldn’t live like this anymore and it was taking a toll on my marriage.

I sat my sons down and told them that I was going to have the house cleansed. What they both said to me shocked the heck out of me. I will never forget this moment and how I felt. My younger son says, “You need to do something, there is a creepy girl that floats over your side of the bed, and she looks like the girl from the movie, The Ring.” Then my other son says, “I’ve seen her too and she is always sitting on the bench at the end of your bed with all her dark hair down in front of her face, and she is rocking back and forth.” Then he adds, “And my brother is right, she looks like that creepy chick from the movie, The Ring,”

I can’t even believe what they are saying to me!!!!! First, I am shocked at how she shows herself to them, because when I see her she is beautiful, and her hair is pulled back into a pony tail. Second, I am not going crazy and I have validation that there is a young girl in my room.  Also, it made me question if I was doing the right thing by cleansing her out. Now I really wanted answers.

The next day (the day before I am going to have the house cleansed), I was home alone, hosing down the backyard and I heard what sounded like a horrible car crash. I lived near a busy street and near the 241 Toll Road, so it wasn’t unusual to hear accidents. But, I realized after 10 minutes or so, that I did not hear any sirens. So, I put down the hose and went out front. Then I walked down the street toward the busy street, and still I hear nothing. So, I thought that I had imagined the crash and headed back home. As I got to my driveway, I felt the static chill all over my body and I froze. I couldn’t move. Then I heard a girl’s voice as plain as day … “I died in a car crash.” Jess was standing there, pointing towards the toll road. I about passed out right there. My body unfroze and I went and sat on the porch. What came to mind right away was all the nights I would see her standing at the end of my bed pointing to the left … she was pointing at the toll road.

I then went inside, got on my computer, and looked up “young girl killed in car crash on 241 toll road.” What came up next was like a punch in the gut. There was her face, alive and beautiful. The car crash was horrific, and I realized which accident it was. It was all over the news when it happened. Not only was the crash the most horrifying scene, it was handled very poorly, and there was a lot of legal action after. I personally refused to look at the terrible pictures that were circulating all over the internet at that time. But, now I could feel Jess standing over me and I could hear her yelling at me to look at the images. I cried and begged her no, but she kept saying, “I need you to see!”

What I saw next made me scream and cry like I had never done before. I was crying so loud and hard, that I was choking. This poor girl, and her poor family!!! I just could not even imagine the pain. Jess then said to me, “I need you to tell my dad something.” I told her that I would try, but I needed to do more research.

I was still crying when my boys and my husband came home. I told them what happened and what has been happening. My older son tells me that his girlfriend used to live next door to the family when Jess was killed. So I asked him to call her and ask her if she could come over to talk to me.

My son’s girlfriend, I will call her Ally, came over and I told her the whole story. And here is where all the signs Jess had been showing me became clear. Ally said she used to live next door to Jess and their fathers are really good friends. I asked her where she used to live and she told me. I couldn’t believe it….. When Jess first started to come to me, is when I changed my walking route, and by changing my route I would walk past Jesses’s (I looked up how to write Jess in plural form and that’s what the internet says) home every time I walked. Then I wanted to know exactly where on the toll road the accident happened. Ally told me where, and I figured out that when I worked that temp job, I could see where Jess died from the windows of the building. My belief is, and this is after doing research, that when someone dies tragically, some are stuck in their death state, and looking for help. I think she sensed that I had the ability to help her.

Ally then told me the events that led to Jesses’s death. (I am not going to give those details, that is her families private business) I also learned that Jess had a drug problem, and had tried to stop doing drugs several times. That explained the agitation and fogginess that her energy was transferring to me. I then asked Ally if Jesses’s father would talk to me. I explained that Jess can not rest until her father gets this message. Ally said she would talk to her dad and let me know.

I was feeling good!! I was feeling back to normal….if I have a normal?? I could sense that Jesses’s energy was calm too. I was so close to helping her and that meant the world to me. Then Ally called…. Her dad said he did not think Jesses’s father or family was ready to hear what I had to say. I was so sad for Jess. So I asked Ally to give her father the message and when he thinks his friend is ready, tell him, and he can always contact me.

The Message: I am so sorry Daddy. I know all you were trying to do was help and I was to stubborn to listen. I was not in control of my drug problem and I wouldn’t admit it. I am sorry I stormed out of the house and took your car, and I am sorry that the pictures of how I died will be in your mind forever. I take full responsibility for my actions. There is nothing you could have done differently to save me, and I hope you can forgive me. I love you Daddy.

Ally said she would pass it on. I felt horrible that I couldn’t give Jess complete closure, but she understood. I have not seen her since and I have not heard from the family.

Jess was my teacher. Jess was my kick in the butt to stop ignoring that I have a gift. Jess was my strength when it came to helping other spirits. I became stronger and learned how to separate a spirits feelings from my own. I will always be grateful and I will never forget, The Girl.